A canção de Alanis Morissette a cantar ao volante de um carro é um dos hits mais populares de 1995. "Ironic" chegou ao Top 5 na Austrália, Canadá, Estados Unidos e Noruega. Nos dois anos seguintes, a canção foi nomeada para dois Grammys e o videoclipe indicado para sete MTV Video Music Awards. Venceu três troféus nos prémios da MTV e a cantora levou ainda a estatueta de Melhor Artista Feminina.

Cerca de 20 anos depois, Morissette atualizou a sua canção com a ajuda do apresentador James Corden, no programa “The Late Night Show”. Na nova versão, a artista refletiu sobre alguns problemas modernos e atuais. O Facebook, o vaping, a Netflix, os voos da Southwest e a Uber são alguns dos temas que criam esta nova versão do sucesso de "Ironic". A cantora gozou até com a sua música original.

Apesar de o vídeo ser de 2015, voltou agora a tornar-se viral. Aqui fica a versão atualizada da canção.

"An old friend sends you a Facebook request
You only find out they’re racist after you accept
There’s free office cake on the first day of your diet
It’s like they announce a new iPhone the day after you buy it
And isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?
It’s like swiping left on your future soulmate
It’s a Snapchat that you wish you had saved
It’s a funny tweet that nobody faves
And who would’ve thought it figures

It’s a traffic jam when you try to use Waze
A no-smoking sign when you brought your vape
It’s 10,000 male late-night hosts when all you want is just one woman, seriously!
It’s singing the duet of your dreams, and then Alanis Morissette shouting at you
And isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?
A little too ironic, and yeah I really do think

It’s like you’re first class on a Southwest plane
Then you realize that every seat is the same
It’s like Amazon but your package never came
And who would’ve thought it figures

It’s like Netflix but you own DVDs
It’s a free ride but your Uber’s down the street
It’s singing “Ironic,” but there are no ironies
And who would’ve thought it figures"